Monday 31 January 2011

MINUTES – Dishforth Flyers Informal Meeting (28 Jan 11)

Dishforth Flyers Club Meeting

31 Jan 11

Copy to:BLOG, FACEBOOK                                                                                                
MINUTES – Dishforth Flyers (28 Jan 11)

General Administration Matters-.  Members were advised that if they were using the regimental Gym they were required to complete a new induction form.  Civilians who make use of the gym are also required to have proof of liability insurance which is usually included in house insurance.  Members were encouraged to fill in the CTC ride leaders form as this covers members for public liability whilst leading a group.  Catherine is to chase CTC for member packs for subscribed members.
CTC Ride Leader Training-Martyn Bolt had previously advised the group that ride leader training will be available free of charge once a venue and dates have been arranged, most of the attendees were interested -Catherine to liaise with Martyn to check for updates
Ride routes- ride routes were discussed and most members were content with local routes in winter.  When the weather improves the group will arrange to meet at other locations for longer and more challenging rides. Members were reminded that all routes can be updated to the BLOG, FACEBOOK and populated on MAP MY RIDE. Details as follows;

Facebook search for Dishforth Flyers Cycle Club

Summer Closed circuit race-Jim proposed a closed circuit race which could take place on the Airfield.  This event would raise the profile of the club and provide the club with a source of revenue.  Jim has experience in organising such events including logistical support and marketing. Members are encouraged to support this event and Jim will have further details for our February meeting.
Meeting Dates-Dragana suggested that we meet on the last Friday of every month at the Fox and Hounds, the group all felt this was a good idea and the next meeting will be 25th February 19.30hrs.
British Cycling- Catherine was advised by another agency that British Cycling were interested in establishing cycling clubs in this area.  It will be worthwhile contacting them to ascertain if there is any funding or support they can offer the club.  They may also provide rider insurance and certify locations for cycling events.    
Off road Cycling-There is keen interest in establishing a Mountain bike session within the group and Simon agreed to look at venues and routes which would suit all abilities.  We have 10 mountain Bikes loaned from CTC, prior to the event we will need to establish logistics etc.
Clothing-Members are keen to develop a clothing line for the club. Jim has contacts with a technical cycling range and agreed to obtain some prices. The clothing will be self funded by members and is expected to cost around £80 for jersey and shorts.
Logo-members are keen to adopt a Logo for the club.  Once the Logo has been designed we can then print business cards and look at clothing designs.
BLOG-all members and guest riders to the club are encouraged to use the BLOG.  Not all of our members are on Facebook and the BLOG is easy to access.  If you require access rights to post onto the BLOG please call Catherine on 01423 321617 alternatively you can e-mail Catherine on with your data/documents or jpeg and I will update the BLOG accordingly.
Sportive ride-prior to the closed circuit ride Simon suggested an event on a smaller scale which would help fund the closed circuit race. Simon will come back with more info.
Club Administration –If any member has some free time and interest in helping out with any aspects of club it would be much appreciated, please contact Catherine or Jim
Spinning-Many of our members are keen spinners and attend the sessions at Absolute Fitness in Roecliffe. I have approached the gym and he owner Daren Saddler has offered the club either group discount for sessions or will allow us to use the bikes from 19.30hrs on a Thursday or Friday.  We would need our own instructor and then members would just need to pay £2.50 per session. I am keen to establish interest and we will need 8-10 pax to make the session viable. Please respond via the BLOG or ring me if you can make the proposed sessions.
Next meeting-25th February Fox and Hounds Langthorpe
Group meet times-remain unchanged -Mondays18.30hrs Dishforth airfield Gym. Sunday ride-09.00 Dishforth Airfield community Centre
AOB-if there are any bits I missed please e-mail or pop them on the BLOG

Catherine Dixon

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